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Welcome to VATCalc – global VAT calculations and reporting

Why VATCalc is the disruptor tax tech for the digital age:

1. World’s first single tax engine & reporting application, processing millions of transactions each month for hundreds of our customers. No lengthy integrations, multiple APIs, ongoing reconciliations or costly support.

2. Uniquely built on national tax laws, EU VAT Directive and global OECD guidelines. Ready to go for: B2C, B2B, goods (complex supply chains), services, digital, financial services and more. No manual use cases and custom rules, requiring expensive implementations and maintenance.

See how it works

Some of our international customers

We help businesses of all sizes with VAT, GST and sales tax automation

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A single platform with 4 products for any user’s needs

  • Selling goods, services or digital across borders via e-commerce or B2B;
  • Working in a finance or tax team overseeing the accuracy of VAT or GST determination and reporting in accounting, ERP, AP / AR or checkouts;
  • Running an international shared service centre; or
  • An outsourced practising tax service.

VATCalc has the right tax technology for you.

VAT Advisor

Accurate and instant web VAT calculations and compliant invoices to answer all your questions on complex international VAT transactions. Who holds the liabilities? How much VAT is due and where? What detail to include to ensure compliant sales and purchase VAT invoices (create an instant compliance invoice to download)? Which boxes to report in each countries’ VAT return? What legislative articles are the answers based on? Request a FREE trial login of VAT Advisor.

VAT Auditor

Live or batch high-volume transactional VAT validation for data from your ERP, invoice, AP / AR, e-commerce or other platforms. Low cost and immediate adoption – no requirement for lengthy implementations and mapping exercises or expensive support. Saves hours of employee time each month checking transactions before invoicing or reporting. That includes facing awkward tax authority questions. Contact us for a FREE demo of VAT Auditor.

VAT Calculator

Live and accurate VAT determination on complex cross-border transactions via our full tax engine. So if you do not have the accounting system capability to easily calculate accurate VAT or GST liabilities, it’s done for you. This includes any platform, ERP, billing system, e-commerce platform or live e-invoice reporting.  And you can then opt to ‘commit‘ those transactions to VAT Filer, which is on the same platform so won’t require further integrations. This means you can confidently report the transactions and taxes in the right box in the right country’s return with a full audit trail. Contact us to learn about VAT Calculator integrations.

VAT Filer

Accurate and fully auditable VAT reporting and e-invoicing based on seamless integration with our Advisor, Auditor and Calculator tax determination products. Your approved transactions effortlessly and accurately posted into any country VAT return, supplementary filings or digital reporting format. This ensures accurate and defensible submissions – minimising the chances of audits or fines, as well as manual and costly reconciliation efforts. Or you can send your tax transaction data directly via API data uploads in live or batch mode as well as any format such as xls, cvs or xml. Contact us to learn more about VAT Filer


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VAT Script, our tax programming language, puts you in control

Whichever of our services you are using – even all of them in tandem – you are in full control of the tax rule settings.

Set the Tax Rules

You can set the tax rules to suit your business and country options via our proprietary low-code tax rule language, VAT Script.

Free-up Your Time

VAT Script frees you and your teams from the complex and costly analyst-coder-testing-deployment change cycle.

Adapt & Implement

Anyone – tax or finance expert – can use VAT Script to adapt and implement their interpretations of the rules or their business model without IT hold-ups.

Contact us for a FREE trial

VAT / GST automation products that simplify your international VAT determination, invoicing and reporting

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