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Bulgaria raises Intrastat thresholds 2023

Raised reporting threshold for intra-community supplies reporting

Bulgaria is the first EU country to announce an annual uplifting of its reporting threshold for Intrastat, the EU-wide reporting regime for intra-movement of goods. Only taxpayers exceeding these thresholds of shipping goods between EU states are obliged to make the monthly reports.

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The threshold changes are as follows:

  • Dispatches: rising from BGN 780,000 to BGN 1 million; and
  • Arrivals: rising from BGN 520,000 to BGN 700,000

Intrastat reporting fills the gap left by the withdrawal in 1993 of customs reporting on the movement of goods within the European Union.  It enables governments and the EU track trade between countries for statistical purposes.  Increasingly, it is also being used as a check on potential VAT fraud.

2023 EU VAT registration & Intrastat reporting threshold

Country VAT Registration thresholds Intrastat thresholds
Resident Non-resident Arrivals Dispatches Arrivals Statistical Dispatches Statistical
EU One-Stop Shop €10,000 €10,000 EU sellers only - - - -
Austria €35,000 Nil €1,100,000 €1,100,000 €12m €12m
Belgium €25,000 Nil €1,500,000 €1,000,000 €25m €25m
Bulgaria BGN 100,000 Nil BGN 700,000 BGN 1m €7.3m €14.7m
Croatia €40,000 Nil €400,000 €200,000 €345,000 €400,000
Cyprus €15,600 Nil €270,000 €75,000 €2.7m €5.8m
Czechia CZK 2m Nil CZK 12m CZK 12m CZK 12m CZK 12m
Denmark DKK 50,000 Nil DKK 22m DKK 11m DKK 22m DKK 11m
Estonia €40,000 Nil €400,000 €270,000 €400,000 €270,000
Finland €15,000 Nil €800,000 €800,000 €800,000 €800,000
France Goods €85,800 Services €34,400 Nil €460,000 €460,000 €460,000 €460,000
German €22,000 Nil €800,000 €500,000 €48m €50m
Greece Nil Nil €150,000 €90,000 €150,000 €90,000
Hungary  HUF 12m Nil HUF 250m HUF 140m HUF 5bn HUF 14bn
Ireland Goods €75,000 Services €37,500 Nil €500,000 €635,000 €5m €34m
Italy €85,000 Nil See country guide See country guide See country guide See country guide
Latvia €40,000 Nil €330,000 €200,000 €4m €6m
Lithuania €45,000 Nil €500,000 €300,000 €7m €10m
Luxembourg €35,000 Nil €250,000 €200,000 €4m €8m
Malta Goods €35,000 Other €30,000 Nil €700 €700 €700 €700
Netherlands €20,000 Nil Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary
Poland PLN 207,000 Nil PLN 5m PLN 2.7m PLN 80m PLN 128m
Portugal Nil Nil €400,000 €400,000 €5m €6.5m
Romania RON 445,500 Nil RON 1m RON 1m RON 10m RON 20m
Slovakia €49,790 Nil €1m €1m €1m €1m
Slovenia €50,000 Nil €1m €1m €4m €9m
Spain Nil Nil €400,000 €400,000 €400,000 €400,000
Sweden SEK 80,000 Nil SEK 15m SEK 4.5m SEK 15m SEK 4.5m
Iceland ISK 2m
Montenegro €30,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Norway NOK 50,000 Nil n/a n/a n/a n/a
Russia RUB 8m (on application) Nil n/a n/a n/a n/a
Switzerland CHF 100,000 CHF 100,000 global income n/a n/a n/a n/a
Turkey Nil Nil n/a n/a n/a n/a
UK (Northern Ireland - EU Intrastat only) £85,000 Nil £500,000 £250,000 n/a n/a
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