August 2022 VAT & GST changes
Major global Value Added Tax and Goods and Services Tax changes from 1 August 2022 To get free regular e-mail news alerts on global VAT or GST changes, sign-up to our newsletter
Major global Value Added Tax and Goods and Services Tax changes from 1 August 2022 To get free regular e-mail news alerts on global VAT or GST changes, sign-up to our newsletter
Unique single determination & reporting app built on EU VAT Directive articles and local tax laws It’s a big claim to make: out-of-the-box, VAT Calc can help enterprises in most sectors or with any business model. So why do we believe it? VAT and GST
How we ended the expense and frustration of full tax determination – making tax engines affordable for the mid-market as well as enterprise businesses Heard about or lived the agony of expensive and protracted VAT or GST tax engine or returns implementations from the traditional
Native ERP’s struggle with VAT and GST calculations – is a tax engine or Add-on the answer? Accounting software, including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), invoicing or marketplace platforms generally struggle with cross-border VAT. The risk is delays in invoice payments, and lost input VAT ruled
Doubts on effectiveness and pass through to consumers as inflation rockets and government reach of energy and food VAT reductions The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has raised doubts on the effectiveness of temporary VAT rate cuts to help consumers during rising inflation.
Major global Value Added Tax and Goods and Services Tax changes from 1 July 20022 To get free regular e-mail news alerts on global VAT or GST changes, sign-up to our newsletter
As the Definitive VAT System reforms go on hold, the EU has extend the option to use reverse charge to reduce compliance obligations and fight fraud EU Finance Minister agreed this month to extend the optional reverse charge until 31 December 2026. This is partially
Governments would be better to use revenues for more targeted welfare support The International Monetary Fund last week called for governments to avoid temporary Value Added Tax rate cuts on fuels, electricity or foods as an attempt to reduce the impact of fast-rising inflation. European