VAT TV January 2025 news

Gendered VAT burden and reform
Gender inequality in the VAT system and wider tax sphere Does the VAT burden unfairly fall more heavily on women than men? There is lots of proof it does resulting from gender differences in consumption expenditures. For example, Akram- Lodhi and Van Staveren study in

VAT TV – global news & views

OECD tax reforms unlikely following US election; DST & trade retaliation risks
US presidential election means OECD Pillar 1 tax agreement unlikely Digital Service Taxes back on agenda with risk to tariff retaliation See our DST country implementations tracker. The OECD’s negotiations with around 120 counties on rewriting the rules on taxing cross-border digital services (‘Pillar 1′)

VAT transaction to e-invoicing and then VAT returns

VAT Advisor

How many countries have VAT or GST? 175
175 countries have implemented VAT or GST – January 2025 Since the first introduction of a Value Added Tax in France in 1954, it has now been adopted by 175 countries around the world. The latest is Guinea-Bissau, implementing VAT on 1 January 2025. You

VATCalc global VAT calculations & reporting
The market’s only tax engine & reporting application VATCalc offers the first and only single application with full global VAT engine calculations and returns preparation. VATCalc’s is uniquely built on national tax legislation, the EU VAT Directive and OECD VAT Guidelines. It is used by

Italy Digital Services Tax 2025: 1 of 2 thresholds withdrawn
2025 Budget Law withdraws €5.5m Italian revenue DST threshold Italy has gazetted its 2025 Budget Law which includes the withdrawal of one of the two thresholds for its 3% Digital Services Tax. The change will bring more non-resident providers of digital services into the Italian