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Czech VAT EET cash registers cancelled

E-tržby or EET certified VAT cash registers

The Czech Republic (Czechia) Ministry of Finance has cancelled the reintroduction of its EEU online VAT cash registers due to the ongoing COVID-19 emergency. The requirement was suspended two years ago, and was to be reintroduced on 1 January 2023. 53,000 retailers has adopted the system when originally in operation until 2019.

The Ministry of Finance has cited the cost of administration and taxpayers’ costs as the reason for the cancellation of the program. Also, that the system only captured cash payments, which are now a fast-reducing proportion of retail transactions.

The implementation of certified registers E-tržby or EET commenced in 2019. It started with hotels and restaurants (catering). The next phases, three and four, were for all other shopper transactions including transport. All businesses may now suspend reporting.

It excludes non-resident businesses.

EET cash registers to fight VAT fraud

EET applies mainly to revenues in the form of cash, meal vouchers, gift cards and similar means of payment. On the other hand, bank transfers, payments by credit/debit cards or receivable setoffs (with certain exceptions) do not need to be registered.  EET reports an .XML file via the internet to the financial administration all transactions record. This is done through a cash register, PC or mobile phone app. A unique transaction code is then returned for inclusion on the receipt. It captures all transactions – not just cash – including credit cards and vouchers. This data may then be automatically checked to VAT returns to help eliminate fraud.

This data may then be automatically checked to VAT returns to help eliminate fraud.

If you need to complete Czech or other returns, our VAT Filer can accurately populate any country submission with verified VAT or GST data from our VAT Calculator or VAT Auditor services.

European VAT electronic cash registers

Country (click for details) Implementation
Albania 2019
Austria 2016
Belgium 2014
Bulgaria 2020
Croatia 2013
Czech 2019 (suspended)
France 2018
Germany 2025
Greece 2020
Hungary 2014
Italy 2017
Lithuania 2001
Montenegro 2019
Poland 2018
Portugal 2008
Romania 2017
Russia 2017
Serbia 2022
Slovakia 2019
Slovenia 2016
Sweden 2014
Turkey 2012
Ukarine 2013


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