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VAT Calculator – global tax engine ready out-of-the box

As tax authorities shift to live reporting, VAT & GST determination demands automation. Here’s how our VAT Calculator ends the pain and huge investment associated with a tax engine implementations

If you are saying ‘Yes‘ to these questions, then we have some great news for you:

  • Concerned your EPR, AP/AR or invoicing systems are processing the wrong VAT?
  • Put off tax engines because of fear of lengthy and costly implementations, and stuck with hours of manual checks each month before invoicing and/or reporting?
  • Worried about months of creating manual use cases with customs rules that will need ERP team and outside consulting help for every more?
  • Not sure how your calculation will then be matched to VAT or GST return – how will you transfer and reconcile data?
  • Think you will have to purchase a separate VAT reporting application from a different speciality vendor, with another long implementation to support?
  • Given up, and just holding out for budget and resources with a major ERP upgrade?
  • Concerned about the new wave of e-invoicing requirements that will demand your VAT is right in real-tim?

Our VAT Calculator tax engine will put an end to these worries for three reasons:

  1. It’s built on tax law, not expensive to set-up and maintain custom codes to match your business;
  2. Our VATCalc in SAP Cockpit approach means no expensive implementation and ongoing support in SAP or other major ERPs
  3. AND it is on the same single platform as our returns product, VAT Filer.  That means just 1 simple integration to 1 end-point API.

Contact us for a free demo to learn how VAT Calculator has made low-cost tax engines a reality.

VAT Calc helps all businesses because it's built on tax laws

National tax laws, EU VAT Directive or global OECD guidance built-in
All Rates; standard, reduced, zero and exempt
Tax Point - Determination of when the VAT becomes chargeable
Deductibility - Calculation of how much input VAT can be deducted on taxable purchases
VAT groups
B2B Goods Full cross-border determination on movement of goods, including imports, exports and intra-community acquisitions and dispatches
Goods imported into, intended for or supplied whilst in customs procedures or VAT warehousing arrangements
Reverse charges for non-established persons and for risky goods and services
EU Triangulation
Call-off and consignment
Supply of goods with installation
Movement of own goods
Brexit complexity for transactions between NI and the EU and NI and GB
B2C Goods Low value goods thresholds
VAT registration thresholds
EU OSS and IOSS returns
EU and others’ marketplace deemed supplier treatment
EU and non-EU distance selling rules 
Services General rules for B2B and B2C 
Supplies connected with immovable property
Supplies by intermediaries
Use and enjoyment
All other exceptions to general rules
Digital Services EU OSS for digital services
Local country simplified VAT returns
Financial Services Partial exemption rules

Contact us for a free demo to learn how VAT Calculator has made low-cost tax engines a reality.

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