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Indonesia e-Factur Pajak electronic invoicing

Indonesia introduced its e-invoicing regime, e-Factur, in July 2015, completing in 2016, for all VAT registered businesses. This includes a government clearance system and QR Code (Quick Response Code) requirement. Indonesia’s system is a process to generate a registered and approved PDF-invoice for issuance to customers. Taxpayers also have the option for pre-filled VAT returns based on their e-invoice submissions.

Steps to issue Indonesian e-invoice

  • To issue an invoice, tax payers must first register with the Directorate of Taxation to obtain and electronic certificate to upload sales invoices
  • Then request a batch sequence of invoice numbers.
  • When ready to issue an individual sales invoice, details are transmitted to the Indonesian Tax Authority for a unique invoice code. This is captured on the invoice and QR Code.
  • There are three options for transmitting invoices:
    • Online desktop application
    • Web browser invoice upload tool
    • Direct host-to-host connection for ERP’s etc to the Directorate of Taxation
  • Supplier then sends PDF invoice, including the QR Code
  • Customers must also validate their purchase invoices through the e-Faktur regime via scanning the QR Code.

You can keep up-to-date with VAT Calc’s global live VAT invoice transaction and e-invoice blog on country real-time reporting reforms.

Asia Pacific e-invoicing

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