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Japan JP PINT tax qualified invoices updated

Japan updates qualified invoice regime with optional e-invoicing standard – Peppol BIS Billing International (‘PINT’) 1.02

On 1 June 2024, Japan updated its PINT e-invoicing standard to 1.0.2. PINT (Peppol International) is the format being adopted increasingly globally by tax authorities, based on the original EU Peppol format.

Japan’s introduced in October qualified invoice regime, which underpins the deductibility of Consumption Tax invoices, is being supported by e-invoicing as an option. Japan has adopted the European and global Peppol standard. This is BIS Billing 3.0 or ‘PINT’. Japan’s version of this, ‘JP PINT‘ is the format that will enable Japanese taxpayers to exchange e-invoices via the Peppol (Pan-European Public Procurement Online) network.

2023 introduction of Qualified Invoices replaces current interim Transitional Invoice Retention System

Japan introduced Consumption Tax qualified invoices from 1 October 2023. Check VAT Calc’s global live VAT invoice transaction and e-invoice reporting tracker to see where else real-time submissions of invoices is being implemented.

Current tax books instead of VAT invoices

Japan had not operated the concept of a Consumption Tax (its version of VAT) invoice, used as proof of a VAT liability and right to deduction. Instead, taxpayers had to maintain prescribed tax books. A VAT invoice was not necessary for the Japanese Consumption Tax purposes, and a taxpayer calculates the creditable input tax amount from the company records, rather than from VAT invoices.

In part, this was because there was historically only a single Consumption Tax rate. This changed in October 2019 when the Consumption Tax rate was increased to 10% and a second, reduced rate of 8% was introduced.

Invoice disclosure requirements

The following information is required on any qualified invoices. The registered Consumption Tax business operator may issue electronic invoices instead of paper-based invoices provided that certain conditions are met.

  • Date
  • Issuer qualified invoice identification number (granted on successful application)
  • Customer identification
  • Description of taxable service
  • Price (split by Consumption Tax if applicable)
  • Consumption Tax charge

Asia Pacific e-invoicing

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