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Kyrgyzstan ETTN e-invoicing May 2023

ETTN portal extending to all live reporting of electronic invoices

The State Tax Service of the Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan has confirmed that all businesses will have to adopted the Electronic Invoice Note system (ETTN) from May 2023. It has already been in place for the oil sector since May 2022. The original deadline was January 2023 for all taxpayers not already using ETTN on a voluntary basis.

Sales invoices must be registered with ETTN, and issued to customers as e-invoicing. Taxpayers using e-registers for B2C or exempt supplies below KGS 8 million per annum or exempt from the obligation.

The adoption of Continuous Transaction Controls CTC on electronic invoices follows a global trend. Many of the other former Soviet Republics, including Kazakhstan, have already imposed e-invoicing. Follow our global e-invoicing tracker for more examples.

Asia Pacific e-invoicing


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