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New Zealand B2G e-invoicing March 2022

New Zealand’s revised adoption of Peppol PINT e-invoicing specification

The phased introduction of the PINT A-NZ specification of OpenPeppol standard e-invoicing has been revised. This replaces the existing ANZ Peppol BIS 3.0 specification.  The format is obligatory for B2G e-invoicing, and also if e-invoicing is agreed between B2B counterparties.

The new mandatory timetable is:

  • Nov 2024: invoicing, credit notes and self-invoicing (previously April 2024)
  • May 2025: self-invoicing

The PINT format has already been adopted in Malaysia and Singapore.

The main alterations between ANZ PEPPOL BIS 3.0 and PINT A-NZ consist of new specifications and values for business process identifiers, as well as the addition of a new document type identifier scheme with the moniker of the wildcard scheme. Business rules have also been updated, with new rule identifiers being introduced, while some have been streamlined or eradicated altogether. Additionally, rules that were once classified as “warning” severity level have been abolished.

March 2022: First step toward B2B and B2C PEPPOL-based e-invoicing

New Zealand is set to adopt mandatory Business to Government electronic invoicing from 31 March 2022. This was based on PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0. Businesses must have and New Zealand tax Business Number, and then be accredited on the PEPPOL access point. No digital signature is required.

This is ahead of Australian e-invoicing, from July 2022 for B2G. The New Zealand and Australian governments have committed to a joint approach to eInvoicing. This began back in 2018 via the  Government Electronic Invoicing Arrangement

Pan-European Public Procurement Online (PEPPOL)

PEPPOL is an international non-governmental organisation which has developed a harmonised protocol and technical specifications for e-Procurement between governments and businesses. PEPPOL, which started in the EU, has been adopted by 38 countries.

This includes the exchange of electronic invoice via access points that connect businesses to the Peppol network and help them exchange invoices with there trading partners. PEPPOL is not a platform in itself; it is the agreed technical specifications, standards, agreements and on-boarding processes for businesses to adopt to ensure efficient electronic exchange of procurement documents, including:

  • e-Orders
  • e-Advance Shipping Notes
  • eInvoices
  • eCatalogues
  • Message Level Responses, etc.

For live e-invoice preparation in Australia with PEPPOL, VAT Calc’s real-time global Calculator and Auditor  services produce instant and accurate tax calculations into your ERP.

Asia Pacific e-invoicing

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