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Oman B2B e-invoicing launch slips to 2025

Oct 2024 B2B e-invoicing mandatory launch now missed following voluntary phase April 2024

Draft plans to introduce mandatory B2B e-invoicing in the Gulf state of Oman this autumn now appear on hold. The plans were originally announced via the the Tax Authority update to VAT executive regulations at the end of 2022 to permit structured e-invoices.

However, there is still no sight of clear design or systems specifications yet. Based on other countries’ experiences, with just seven months to go, this means a postponement to the October 2024 full launch into sometime in 2025.

It is not clear if Oman will introduce a pre-clearance Continuous Transaction Control e-invoicing model, whereby the tax authorities reveive and then validate the invoice before it being recognised as a VAT invoice.

Sultanate of Oman Tax Authority had confirmed its plan to introduce VAT electronic invoicing via a formal Request for Information tender request. “The plan is to open e-Invoicing to VAT registered taxpayers in Oman on a voluntary basis to start, and then subsequently on a compulsory basis,” the RFI added. A voluntary launch period between April and September 2024 was envisaged; followed by mandatory e-invoicing from October 2024 (now on hold).

Oman introduced VAT in April 2021. It was the fourth of the six Arab Gulf states to roll out VAT as part of new Customs and VAT union. So far, only Saudi Arabia e-invoicing has also been introduced at the end of 2021. UAE e-invoicing is expected for 2025.

Bahraini e-invoicing may follow shortly, with the tax offices now completing research on invoice use.

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Middle East & Africa e-invoicing


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