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Philippines EIS VAT e-invoicing & e-reporting update

E-invoicing & Sales Reporting EIS pilot restarts with 2026 full launch

The Philippines Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) restarted its pilot for B2B e-invoicing. The testing period originally launched 1 July 2022 mandatory VAT e-invoicing for around 100 large taxpayers based on the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Act (TRAIN) Act. But due to technical problems, ground to a halt by the start of 2024.

BIR issued a notice on 27 February that it plans to start including more businesses in a schedule to be announced later.

e-invoicing and near real-time reporting

The Philippines system come in two parts:

  1. Structured e-invoices, which in-scope businesses must issue to their customers. Invoices are created with a digital signature and transmitted to the authorities in JSON format. There is no requirement for a pre-clearance. Taxpayers may use EIS invoice accreditation and invoice transmission system; and
  2. Electronic Sales Reporting, 3-day listing of transactions being transmitted to the authorities; not a pre-clearance e-invoicing model. This may be done in either JSON or XML format.

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According to BIR, by using EIS, the taxpayers will be able to issue, in single or in bulk, their electronic invoices/receipts. They will also be able to issue correction documents to a previously issued e-invoice, such as debit memo, credit memo and other adjustment documents. Taxpayers will also be able to download the files to check the details of e-invoices and e-receipts.

The following categories of transactions are mandated to use e-invoice:

  • e-commerce
  • Large tax payers
  • Exporters

EIS documents:

The system covers the following documents:

  • Sales invoices
  • Cash till receipts
  • Credit and debit notes
  • other similar accounting documents issued through the internet

E-invoicing will also directly support businesses:

  • Simplify tax reporting
  • Reduce expensive manual and paper-based invoice processes
  • increase productivity on invoice issuance and its management

VAT determination for your e-invoicing?

VAT Calc’s in real-time global Calculator and Auditor  services produce instant and accurate tax calculations for e-invoices such as the Philippines or general ERP and VAT filing purposes.

Asia Pacific e-invoicing

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