VAT Filer offers a fully automated platform for easy-to-complete international VAT returns and supplementary filings. Uniquely, it is build on the same application as our tax engine VAT Calculator, Auditor, VAT e-invoicing and Advisor products, ensuring reported data is directly traceable back to original VAT invoices. This ensures accurate and defensible returns – including SAF-T, EC sales lists, Control Statements and more. Thus minimising the chances of audits or fines, manual and costly reconciliation efforts or multiple integrations and outside support.
Accurate and fully audited VAT / GST returns based on seamless integration with our VAT Calculator tax engine, Auditor or Advisor products
Robust tax treatment and checking
As the range of demands and data from VAT and GST returns and other submissions such as Intrastat and SAF-T expand globally, it is vital that transactional integrity to original treatment is secured. To fail in this objective is to risk misstatement of tax liabilities, which could bring audits and fines.
VAT Filer overcomes this challenge, basing all returns upon transactional data stored on a single data warehouse platform. You can import data via API or upload from any platform: ERP; ecommerce; or point-of-sale. This enables robust tax treatment and checking through to the final filing, plus the ability to adjust data at the transaction level with a clear, digital audit trail. This also means casting aside clumsy and error-prone consolidating spreadsheets at the country level. VAT Filer can also directly e-filer returns with tax authorities where permissible, and is compatible with UK Making Tax Digital and similar global filing regimes.
And if you have real-time electronic invoicing obligations, then these are perfectly reconciled to your returns. VAT Filer is built on the same application as our VAT e-invoicing product, which audits, submits or receives the same transactions.
Through our Data Insight Tools – in-app business intelligence products – it can monitor KPIs, identify risk and deliver data insight from Filer data. In addition, external tools, such as Power BI and Tableau, can be simply integrated with VATCalc should you wish to deploy your preferred solution.
Why chose VAT Filer
Automatic API data uploads in live or batch mode as well as any format such as xls, cvs or xml.
Behind-the-scenes data validation checks, and verification of VAT treatments (if not already completed via our fully integrated VAT Calculator or VAT Advisor). This highlights errors or irregularities for you to investigate and act on to avoid tax authorities’ enquiries, audits and penalties.
Clear trail from original transactions, with the provision for additional data uploads through to final return makes checks and change journals a simple and reliable process.
Single platform minimises opportunity for errors or problems of reconciliation between invoices and VAT returns. Your return data has already been validated through extensive VAT rates and error checks via VAT Calculator, Auditor or Advisor.
Same core data can be used for digital reporting, such as e-invoicing or live data submissions, meaning fully reconciled to VAT returns.
Cloud-based, meaning savings on local deployments and manual updates.
Fully scalable platform to include as many divisions, subsidiaries or group VAT returns as required.
Option to use with VAT e-invoicing to ensure fully reconciliation between real-time transaction submissions and VAT returns
Contact us for a FREE trial
VAT automation products that simplify your international VAT determination, invoicing and reporting