The latest version of Spanish SII live reporting, v1.1, was implemented for 1 July 2021. This included the following additional information:
- Quick Fixes The was mainly to accommodate the new EU Four Quick Fixes and additional information required to record goods held as call-off stocks with customers. Call-off stocks are consignments send to a customer in another country were not movement or transaction is reported for intra-community suppy until the customer takes the stocks for use in their own production.
- Delayed deduction of input VAT option field in the received invoice books
- Additional information to reinforce the validation of SII date be AEAT
- An optional field on the books of received invoices for acquisition or import of capital and investment goods
- In the books of issued invoices, there are additional fields:
- identification of intra-community invoices
- identification of reverse charge for counterparty
Spanish e-invoice proposal is scheduled to implementation from 2023; this will add to SII.
Check VAT Calc’s global live VAT invoice transaction and e-invoice reporting tracker to see where else real-time submissions of invoices is being implemented.
Pre-filled Spanish VAT returns from SII
Spain first introduced the option of pre-completed VAT returns based on SII data in 2020. Pre-filled returns are being extended to all businesses in early 2021.
VAT Calc’s in real-time Spanish or other country Calculator and Auditor services produce live and accurate VAT calculations into your ERP, billing, e-commerce or e-invoicing systems.