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2025 VAT & GST rates

Our live 2025 VAT & GST database provides rates in 304 countries, states, provinces and dependency territories

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VAT, GST & sales tax rates

CountryRegionRateRate typeDescription
4 Albania Europe 20% Standard Rate
5 Albania Europe 6% Reduced Rate Accommodation; electrical vehicles; books
6 Albania Europe 0% Zero-rated Exports; international transport; and other
7 Albania Europe 0% Exempt Financial services; health; postal; various agriculture; education; gambling; land / buildings
8 Algeria Africa 19% Standard Rate
9 Algeria Africa 9% Reduced Rate Agriculture; basic manufacturing goods; digital services; domestic gas; tourism services
10 Algeria Africa 0% Zero-rated Exports
11 Algeria Africa 0% Exempt Certain exporters; Construction; micro-businesses; certain financial services; break and milk; books and journals; and other
12 American Samoa Asia - No VAT
13 Andorra Europe 9.50% Higher rate Financial services

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